Trees of


New York

That May


Our Lives





This wonderful buttressed old one is in the Deer Lick Conservation Area in Zoar Valley.

I will change the image in this spot from time to time.

It is very difficult for a novice like me to identify a tree whose only leaves are lost among the crowded canopy. I look up and I see Tulip Tree, Maple and many more, in a tangle. If anyone knows this tree, clue me in here.

Through this project I am learning to look and see more fully these older brothers . Looking through a camera was not enough, never was. I have to put the camera aside and look, listen, smell, touch, silently, what is in  front of me. I have to ask questions about about structure, condition, relation to other trees and plants, human impact and more. Then I can pick up the camera and try to make something that reflects what I have seen.

My eyes aren't too old to learn how to see.

One: Black Cherry

Reinstein Woods

More episodes coming